church life
Practicing radical hospitality and building a community that is inclusive of all, knowing that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe.
Religious Education

adult enrichment
We do some amazing things to enrich and enlighten the life of our members. Classes to feed their bodies, minds, and souls.These cover a wide variety of topic and just to name a few....
• Yoga
• Bunco
• Health Classes
• Spiritual Discussions
• Sound Meditation
• Tuesday Afternoon Adult Ed
• Book Studies
* Classes on a variety of topics
GCC has an amazing music ministry for all ages with many programs to offer. We even serve a family meal before our children music rehearsals to ease the burden for parents.
• Youth Choir:
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm
• Youth Chimes:
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
• Bel Campana:
WEDNESDAYS: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
• Chancel Choir:
THURSDAYS: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
• Neu Glocken Intergenerational Handbell Choir:
THURSDAYS: 7:30pm-8:00pm
• Guest House: 2nd Friday Soup Day (Oct-May)
2nd and 4th Friday Sandwich making (June-Sept)
• Mission Trip
• Values and Visions
Social Justice Group
* See church calendar for dates and times
• Sunday Morning Social Time following services in Fellowship room. Donuts, coffee, and punch are served
• Annual Church Picnic
• Christmas Programs (Kids and Adult)
• New Members Classes
Our "behavior over belief" curriculum connects children with their own inner wisdom. We encourage interdependence, self awareness, respect for nature, stillness, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, and integrity. We use the teachings of Jesus as our guide along with the wisdom of other faith traditions."
•SUNDAY SCHOOL: K4-6th (September-May)
• SEARCH: Youth 7-12th (2nd & 4th Sundays)
(Class meets twice monthly, September – May)
CLICK HERE for Confirmation schedule.
• Children's summer learning program: K4-8th